holidays Ian Cylkowski holidays Ian Cylkowski

New Quay, Ceredigion, Wales, Summer

Sometimes you just have to be a bit of a tourist.

Sometimes you just have to be a bit of a tourist.

On a particularly lush day, we moved away from clifftop trekking and head to the beautiful little town of New Quay, Welsh name Cei Newydd.

New Quay is known for its vast sandy beaches, incredible local geology, and wildlife spotting. Until the early 19th century New Quay basically consisted of a few cottages and farm land. This all changed in the 1830s when a stone pier was constructed, which is still in use, and shipbuilding became the dominant industry here. Shipbuilding ceased 30–40 years later but ship navigation continued, and New Quay was the place to go and learn navigation. A local newspaper printed “New Quay... has more retired sea captains living in it than any other place of its own size in Wales.”

Like a lot of UK seaside towns, two world wars ended industry and manufacturing here, and began New Quay’s emergence as a desirable tourist destination. Which, on this occasion, included us.

And boy, what a glorious day it was.

All photos taken on my Sony α7ii using my Sony 24-240mm F3.5-6.3 OSS zoom lens. RAWs developed in Lightroom, merged in Photomatix, and editing and finalised in Photoshop.

The day started fairly cloudy and overcast, with the occasional pocket of rain, but we knew this would be clearing. By the old stone pier, I spotted someone fishing in Cardigan Bay and made this composition.

To paraphrase Benjamin Franklin, the only two certainties in life are death and taxes. In UK seaside towns, an additional certainty is seagulls, which were plentiful and confident at New Quay.

Lisabet and I paid for a small boat trip around the waters of Cardigan Bay from New Quay, courtesy of SeaMôr Dolphin Watching. While we were waiting at the old stone pier, I captured this scene of New Quay in its full summery touristy glory.

On our little boat we ventured north out of the harbour and head west around cliffs of New Quay Head. Here we could see the results of coastal erosion in these tilted folds.

Rounding the corner of New Quay Head, the aptly named "Birds Rock" comes into view. It's home to an expanding colony of Common Guillemots, Razorbills, European Shags and Kittiwakes.

Pulling the zoom back shows the crazy geology of New Quay and Birds Rock in full view. Getting these shots on a bumpy boat ride was a new challenge to me! I knew I needed fast shutter speeds, so set the camera to Auto ISO—maxing out at 12800—and let the lens aperture stay open as much as possible. Camera body and lens stabilisation definitely helped too.

Look at those layers of rock; millions of years of history, laid on top of each other like pages in a book. Further geology processes have compressed, folded, and intruded into these layers, then eroded away by the sea, leaving these incredible scenes.

We weren't going to assume we'd see any dolphins on this dedicated dolphin-spotting boat trip... but we were thankful we did! A pair of bottlenose dolphins gave us a couple of glimpses near the boat before heading further out to sea.

At this point, Wales is just showing off.

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day hikes Ian Cylkowski day hikes Ian Cylkowski

Talkin Tarn Country Park, Cumbria, Autumn

It was me Dad’s birthday at the weekend!

It was me Dad’s birthday at the weekend!

To celebrate, we all enjoyed a lovely wander around Talkin Tarn, east of Carlisle, before treating Dad to lunch.

The last time we were at Talkin Tarn was around November 2017. I only remember this because I had just bought a Sigma dp0 Quattro, and this walk was my first opportunity to put it through its paces. This was also back in my tripod days.

My tastes and shooting style have evolved significantly since then, but I still have a deep fondness for Sigma and their Foveon sensor cameras.

All photos shot on my Fujifilm X-T2 using my Vivitar “Series 1” 28–105mm f2.8–3.8 zoom lens. Images were made 95% in-camera using FujiXWeekly’s Super HG Astia recipe, then finalised in Affinity Photo 2 for iPad.

The woods around Talkin Tarn were holding on valiantly to the last of this year’s autumn foliage.

Though the rest of Cumbria was looking gloomy and wet, here in northeast Cumbria conditions were bright and dry.

Through the woods to get the last of this area’s autumn foliage.

Looking back at the woods and enjoying the play of light, before carrying on around the more open section of the tarn walk.

It was nice to see plenty of water fowl enjoying the tarn, no doubt somewhat desensitised to the presence of humans. There were your regulars such as Mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos) and Mute swans (Cygnus olor), but also Coots (Fulica atra) and Moorhens (Gallinula chloropus).

A beautiful Mute Swan, practically glowing in the morning light.

The tarn is glacial in origin, formed around 10,000 years ago after the last Ice Age. Some of the woods around the tarn are ancient.

There were plenty of other folk enjoying the light, conditions, and scenery around the tarn.

We detoured slightly from the main tarn path to explore some of the woodland above the tarn. Of course, Lisabet has a keen eye for woodland fungi.

A thoroughly pleasant day was had by all.

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