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Kirkby Lonsdale, Cumbria, Summer

In most seasons, Kirkby Lonsdale is lovely.

In most seasons, Kirkby Lonsdale is lovely.

But during summer, it’s impossibly pretty.

The last couple of weeks my focus has primarily been helping the Better Half recuperate after double Carpal Tunnel Relief surgery, hence the lack of content on this website. But, with the removal of stitches on the horizon, a gorgeous weekend was looking promising, so we made our way to beautiful Kirkby Lonsdale for a gentle walk around the town and its environs.

It’s hard to take a bad photo of Kirkby.

All photos taken on my Sony α7ii, using my Sony 24-240mm F3.5-6.3 OSS zoom and Rokinon 14mm f2.8 ED AS IF UMC prime lenses. RAWs developed in Lightroom, edited in Photomatix, and finalised in Photoshop.

One of the more iconic views of Kirkby Lonsdale, shot from near the top of Mitchelgate. Some of these cottages have been standing here since the late 17th century. Interestingly too, large parts of Mitchelgate in the early and mid-1900s were considered slums, and there was talk of taking some of these buildings down.

On the right, the Sun Inn, which has been around since the 1600s at the intersection of Market Street and Church Street. It retains a lot of its original features such as the overhanging first floor support by these huge limestone pillars.

This little area down Red Dragon Yard and Mill Brow is known as Swine Market because, historically, that’s what this area was. The pillar structure is the Old Market Cross, formerly located at the junction of Main Street, Market Street, and Mill Brow. It was relocated to Swine Market in 1822. The steps and crowning ball were a later addition.

Opposite Swine Market is a small road known as Horse Market because, again, historically this is what it was. Some of the houses down here still have horse insignia on plaques above their doors; again, some of these houses have been around since the late 1700s.

Tucked away from Mill Brow, Red Dragon Yard, and Horse Market is this gorgeous old property. I can’t find mention of it anywhere on the world wide web. The stone panels on the first floor have intricate masonry decorations too. I wonder what the history of this property is.

Looking down Mill Brow as it steepens, another wonderful view opens up towards Gragareth (627 m / 2,057 ft). Historically this fell formed the boundary between the West Riding of Yorkshire and Westmorland; there’s still a drystone wall up there that follows the old county boundary.

Another classic Kirkby Lonsdale view: Old Manor House on Mill Brow, with the Leck and Barbondale fells in the distance. And of course, during the summer, the House’s gardens burst into colour.

Old Manor House dates from around 1700, probably incorporating parts of an older structure.

Around Devil’s Bridge, cows were chilling and gently grazing on the full pastures around the river. A proper bucolic scene I wanted to capture.

Kirkby’s famous Devil’s Bridge, dating from around the 12th or 13th centuries. For centuries this was one of the few bridges for miles that crossed the River Lune. Nowadays modern traffic is diverted over Stanley Bridge from where this photo was shot. On a hot summer’s day you’ll always find people milling about the bridge, jumping into the river (even though they shouldn’t) and genuinely enjoying the natural delights around here.

From Devil’s Bridge, people swim and play in the river, and picnic on the rocks. What better way to enjoy a gorgeous summer’s day?

Stanley Bridge from Devil’s Bridge. Stanley Bridge is now what carries motor traffic over the Lune.

We took the riverside path along the Lune. Near the island, where the Lune temporarily splits in two, we stopped and hushed as we spotted a Grey Heron across the river. It was carefully watching the water, so I happily zoomed in tight and made a few compositions of this magnificent bird.

Further along the Lune and set back from the river, Lunefield Farmhouse demands your attention. A 19th century stone-built former coach house, it’s now been restored as holiday accommodation for up to 8 people.

At the end of the riverside path before heading up the Radical Steps, glassy reflections in the Lune make me stop and nab a composition of this trio of trees.

Up and beyond the Radical Steps, I equip my 14mm ultra-wide lens and frame this composition of St. Mary’s Church using the old gateway. Parts of the church date from Norman times.

Near where we parked our car, just outside of town, is Underley Lodge, a former gatehouse to the Underley Estate, now private tenanted accommodation.

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Conistone, Yorkshire Dales, Summer

Time for somewhere new.

Time for somewhere new.

The weekend was looking massively busy in Cumbria, what with the Appleby Horse Fair, Dave Day, and the Great North Swim, amongst other things. So with a cool and windy Saturday in stall, we head east once again into the Yorkshire Dales to explore somewhere new, to us: Conistone.

Conistone is a tiny idyllic village in Upper Wharfedale, across the valley from Kilnsey and its famous Kilnsey Crag. Although we’ve meandered around Grassington and Kilnsey before, we’d never ventured around the Conistone area of Upper Wharfedale. What we found were two incredible and fascinating geological wonders: Conistone Dib—a dry and steep gorge—and the Conistone Pie, an isolated limestone crag outcrop that, yes, resembles a pie.

Due to the high winds, conditions and light were changeable, which made shooting all the more challenging and fun.

And some of the views we got from around the pie were just… something else.

All photos taken on my Sony α7ii using my Sony 24-240mm F3.5-6.3 OSS zoom and Rokinon 14mm f2.8 ED AS IF UMC prime lenses. RAWs were developed in Lightroom, edited in Photomatix, and finalised in Photoshop.

The centre of Conistone village, looking impossibly idyllic. A few homes here had datestones from the mid-17th century.

Heading immediately east out of the village, a footpath can be picked up that takes you up the first part of Conistone Dib, known as Gurling Trough. Delicate flowers pepper the grasses around the trail. Our excitement builds.


Thousands of years after retreating glaciers and meltwaters have finished their work, life clings on in this gorge in beautiful ways.


The gorge winds its way uphill, in increasingly tight channels. Now we’re in summer, foliage and wildflowers adorn every possible nook and cranny. Up ahead, Lisabet gawps at the stunning walls of the gorge.

The only way up and out of the gorge, a tiny person-wide chute, evidence of where prehistoric water would’ve raged through this gorge.

Looking back down the chute, I picture in my mind how gallons of water would’ve created enormous forces as it was squeezed through this tiny gap.

After popping out from the squeeze at Gurling Trough, you are presented with this glorious view of the dry valley of Conistone Dib. To the right is the imposing crag of Bull Scar.

Further up the valley our next squeeze presents itself. A characteristic drystone wall acts as a leading line all the way towards the next gorge.

Halfway up the dry gorge of Conistone Dib. An old drystone wall leads the way up, as does the ankle-breaking loose limestone scree.

Near the top, Lisabet stops to photo some flora that her eagle-eye spotted. Two trees act as a kind of “gateway”, marking and maybe even guarding the exit.

We scramble our way up and out of the gorge, but not before I turn back around and nab this composition from behind one of the “guardians”, using them to frame the gorge back downstream.


From the top of the Dib, looking perilously down to the gate and the dry gorge below that we scrambled up.


From above the Dib, multiple trails criss-cross each other towards a multitude of destinations. We took a small diversion around the top of the gorge, and found this stunning composition of Conistone Dib gorge, with the Upper Wharfedale fells beyond.

Our next destination was to find the Conistone Pie. From the Dib, it didn’t take long to locate and follow the path northeast. We soon clambered towards the Pie, and I immediately scouted around its circumference, snapping compositions of its wonderful limestone crags with views towards the far reaches of Upper Wharfedale.

The views from the top of Conistone Pie! Not bad, eh?

My 24-240 mm zoom lens allowed me to really zoom in tight and crop in on these more intimate landscapes my eye can spot.

Another long zoom composition, showing the characteristic upland fell farming landscape of the Yorkshire Dales; land parcelled off with drystone walls. I waited as slivers of golden light scanned across the landscape, and picked my moment when the foreground barn was illuminated.

From the top of the Pie you can even make out, across the valley, the impressive sheer face of Kilnsey Crag, a famous and challenging climb.

At the full 240 mm zoom, I pick out the farthest reaches of Upper Wharfedale as golden evening light scans across the dale.

Before descending back down towards the village, I sought a composition that “described” the Conistone Pie well. This was the best I could do. You can see why it’s called a pie!

From the pie we retraced our steps towards the top of Conistone Dib and located the main path, called Scot Gate Lane, which takes you all the way back down to the village. Along the way, lambs and their mums bleat and scamper away from us, but not before I was able to zoom in and capture this timeless scene.

Nearing the bottom of Scot Gate Lane, an unusual yet welcome and unfortunately rare cacophony of sounds surrounded us: Curlews! I had never heard so many. As they cried and whistled around us, the low evening low picked out this incredible scene of Conistone Dib and the valley floor of Upper Wharfedale.

Back at the village, the evening light drenches the old buildings in soft amber.

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day hikes Ian Cylkowski day hikes Ian Cylkowski

Sedbergh, Yorkshire Dales, Summer

It’s summer! Y’know what that means? Wild flower meadows.

It’s summer! Y’know what that means? Wild flower meadows.

We’re rather fortunate to live where we do, sandwiched between abundant nature. You can take your pick of beautiful places to see wildflower summer meadows. A particular favourite is Swaledale in the Yorkshire Dales.

But I can also recommend the Sedbergh meadows underneath the Howgills.

We usually start this hike from Sedbergh town itself, but this time we started from Straight Bridge, walking away rather than into the sun.

Sedbergh is pretty enough anyway, but in the summer it becomes positively idyllic. And the meadows around the town were filled with wildflowers.

All photos taken on my Sony α7ii using my Sony 24-240mm F3.5-6.3 OSS zoom and Rokinon 14mm f2.8 ED AS IF UMC prime lenses. RAWs developed in Lightroom, edited in Photomatix and Photoshop.

Following the path alongside the River Rawthey, a beautiful field full of buttercups stopped us in our tracks.

So did these mushrooms. These are possibly Dryad’s Saddle, or Cerioporus squamosus.

A Kendal Rough Fell yow enjoying the summer sun in the meadows.

A pair of geese, following each other around the fields.

New Bridge, which is quite a funny name given that it was built in the 1700s. A lush scene framing this gorgeous structure.

There’s plenty of horses about at the moment as travellers make their way to the Appleby Horse Fair. One particularly shaggy fella posed for me in a field full of flowers, and I couldn’t say no.

After a brief pit stop and refreshment in Sedbergh town, we continued the hike. The trail circumnavigates Castlehaw and climbs up the hillside underneath the Howgills. A very dry Settlebeck Gill provides a leading line in between these gnarly old trees.

Out into the open, fields full of flowers surrounded us. Passing clouds temporarily darkened the summit of Knott, whilst sheep and their lambs happily graze on the meadows below.

Further along the trail, a field of curious bullocks idly stare at us as we made our way towards Ghyll Farm.

Just before you reach Ghyll Farm the trail narrows into a beautiful little lane, surrounded by hedgerows and old trees. It created a natural frame that I made a composition of.

Beyond Ghyll Farm, you continue southeast towards Stone Hall, a Grade II* listed building. Formerly a farmhouse, it dates from 1695.

Between Stone Hall and Ellerthwaite, the wildflower meadows just got better and better. One particular field was absolutely chock full of them. I nabbed a shot of Lisabet admiring the buttercup fields, a timeless scene.

We spotted this old tree, host to a load of bracket fungi, so I equipped my ultra-wide lens in order to make a composition of the tree, the fungi, the buttercup meadow and the Howgills. Success!

The cloud cover was beginning to thicken, but pockets of sun still broke through. A distant scene looking south towards the Dent fells made me zoom right in.

At Ellerthwaite we came across this magnificent field full of buttercups. I spotted these tracks winding through the field and waited for the sun to burst through, illuminating the field whilst the distant hills darkened under the clouds.

Beyond Buckbank the trail follows the trees above the River Rawthey back to Straight Bridge. Another beautiful meadow lined with farm tracks, with Lisabet ahead, gave me my final composition.

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The Northern Reaches of Lancaster Canal, Cumbria, Spring

A wet Bank Holiday weekend finally gave way to a glorious evening.

A wet Bank Holiday weekend finally gave way to a glorious evening.

With little time off left, we decided on familiar jaunt that nevertheless is always a pleasure to do: Lancaster Canal’s Northern Reaches.

The Northern Reaches is a part of Lancaster Canal that’s cut off from the rest of the UK’s canal network. In the 1960s, the construction of the M6 motorway north of Carnforth bisected the northern section of the Lancaster Canal, isolating the Tewitfield terminal and leaving the disconnected remnants of the canal to be reclaimed by the natural environment.

For this simple hike we elected to take the route south from Millness Bridge to where the M6 cuts off the canal near Duke’s Bridge. This route offers foliage galore, waterfowl, insect heaven, and fantastic views towards the imposing shape of Farleton Knott.

All photos taken on my Sony α7ii using my Sony 24-240mm F3.5-6.3 OSS zoom lens. RAWs developed in Lightroom, tonemapped in Photomatix, and finalised in Photoshop.

The section of the trail between Millness Bridge and Moss Side is rather muddy and greasy, especially after all the rain we’ve had. However, once you emerge from the tunnel at Moss Side, this lovely view to Farleton Knott finally opens up.

A swan couple, busy feeding from the bottom of the canal, their fresh-faced cygnets milling about aimlessly.

Across the canal, this horse impassively stairs at us.

Nearer Duke’s Bridge, a load of local cows have found their way to the canal for a wee drink.

I zoomed in tight on this beaut, giving us The Eye.

My favourite view anywhere on the Northern Reaches of Lancaster Canal. I managed to capture this reflection of Farleton Knott as the sun started to dip behind us.

A little further up a small gap in the overgrown foliage allowed for another composition of Farleton Knott.

The low evening light catching the tops of the foliage and the bridge. A delightfully idyllic scene.

This dark and shaggy horse posed for me near Marsden Farm underneath Farleton Knott. Couldn’t say no, really.

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Oxenber & Wharfe Woods, Yorkshire Dales, Spring

It’s been nearly a month since my last post.

It’s been nearly a month since my last post.

I must apologise for that. Times, they are a’ changin’.

To start, we moved house! That in itself has consumed most of my time and energy, as house moves usually do. Thankfully we’re now all settled in and getting down to the important things in life, like looking at curtain textiles and measuring all the things.

With things settling back down a little, and the British weather drastically improving, we thought we’d try to capture the last of this year’s bluebells. Over the years we’ve found some proper lovely places to photograph bluebells, such as:

This time we tried somewhere new, to us, based on personal recommendation: the woods of Oxenber and Wharfe near Feizor.

And we were absolutely blown away.

Carpets of bluebells, some in ancient woodland, some out in the open with spectacular views to the likes of Moughton Scar and Ingleborough.

Happily, this was also my first full outing with my newly acquired Sony 24-240mm F3.5-6.3 OSS, courtesy of my Dad. This lens easily replaced five other lenses I had, which has significantly reduced my carrying load.

I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I enjoyed taking and editing them.

All photos shot on my Sony α7ii using my Sony 24-240mm F3.5-6.3 OSS zoom lens. RAWS edited in Lightroom, edited in RNI Films, and finalised in Photoshop.

Our hike started from Austwick and we were soon on the easy well-defined trail towards the elevated Oxenber and Wharfe woods.

A beautiful Holstein Friesian lady, basking in the glorious sunshine.

We followed Wood Lane as the trail started to ascend. Looking back across the segmented fields towards Robin Proctor’s Scar and the Norber Erratics.

The signage was clear enough as to where we needed to go.

Soon enough we began the short and sharp ascent off Wood Lane and into Oxenber Wood. Bluebells everywhere.

This area of woodland and pasture was once an important quarry and source of timber for Austwick. Now it’s marked as an SSSI and largely left to its own devices.

Open areas of former pasture meant acres of bluebells, out in the open, enjoying views towards the likes of Moughton Scar and Ingleborough.

A carpet of bluebells with Moughton Scar on the left and Bargh Hill on the right.

Higher up, more former pasture land has given way to more bluebells. I found this solitary limestone boulder covered in moss that made for a lovely composition.

In addition to all the bluebells were tracts of limestone pavement, much to my delight!

Entering the denser woodland of Wharfe wood, a small trail branched off, giving views towards Moughton Scar.


Wharfe wood’s thicker coverage meant for beautiful soft light and trees covered in moss and lichen.


A small trail heads deeper into Wharfe Wood, with a hint of yet more bluebells beyond. Our route was to exit out of the eastern end of the woodland, but not before I chanced upon this mystical scene.

Popping out of Wharfe Wood, the unmistakable shape of Pen-y-ghent quickly makes itself known to us.

The route now followed the Pennine Bridleway towards Feizor. To the left are the shoulders of the limestone hills above Feizor.

This year’s spring lambs, of the Swaledale kind, quickly scampered to their mums.

On our descent to Feizor I spotted this little cottage and its field covered in buttercups.

The rest of the route back to Austwick was simple enough, just follow the Pennine Bridleway from Feizor to Austwick. This ancient country lane was lined with wild garlic (Allium ursinum) and its delicious smell.

The collapsed ruins of Meldings Barn, with a doorway still standing on its own.

Back at Austwick, the local cows gently made their way to Austwick Beck for a cool down and a drink to relieve from the warm spring day.

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