Pandemic Peregrinations: Helsfell Nab, Kendal, Cumbria, Winter

The Pandemic Peregrinations are back.

On the 4th of January 2021 the UK entered its 3rd National Lockdown due to rising COVID-19 cases and a new—more infectious—variant ravaging its way through the nation.

The British public are being urged to stay home at all times, save for one lot of exercise a day and essential shopping. I’m back working remotely from home again, and we’re only heading out to get some manner of exercise in, plus occasionally shopping for food.

Winter has well and truly arrived.

We decided to combine both an essential food shop with our day’s exercise today, so we hiked up Kendal Fell via Helsfell Nab, aiming towards the wonderful Plumgarths Farm Shop.

Despite the lockdown plenty of people were enjoying sledging in the somewhat slushy and frozen snow slopes of Kendal Fell. We carefully dodged the kids and adults alike whizzing passed us in their sleds, and continued on an occasionally perilously slippy walk to Plumgarths and back.

Lots of sheep about, too.

In other news—as of Saturday 9th January 2021—3,017,409 people in the UK tested positive with the virus, with 82,624 recorded deaths.

Stay safe and warm, everyone.

All photos shot with a Fujifilm X-T2 using my Samyang 35mm f/1.2 lens. Developed using RNI’s Kodachrome film profile.

Fresh snow everywhere.

Winter has well and truly arrived.

We made friends with this gorgeous girl, who was exploring the winter landscape.

We really had to watch our footing on most of the walk. Most of the snow had either frozen over or was heavily compacted, making it all rather slippery.

A wintery Kendal town.

There were plenty of sheep around the lower slopes of Kendal Fell. Not sure of the breeds, probably a lot of North England Mules.

You’re never far from the countryside in Kendal.

I love the quizzical expressions sheep give you.

Managed to snap this young lass as she sped down the slopes of Kendal Fell.

Our way forward.

It was nice to see families out enjoying the “snow”.

My lovely Lisabet keeping up, despite slippery conditions.

Navigating through the woodland below Helsfell Nab.

As we gain height the views open up and the cloud shelf lowers.

We skirt around the lower slopes of Cunswick Fell to head towards Plumgarths Farm Shop. A beautiful Cumbrian winter scene.

The lonely track towards High Helsfell Farm.

Our destination for the day: Plumgarths Farm Shop. It’s a small place, so Lisabet went in to get supplies and I stayed out.


Pandemic Peregrinations: Brigsteer, Cumbria, Winter


Dalton Crags, Cumbria, Winter